Joyful Visioning. Go Beyond Goals.
A live-guided expand your vision, and unlock more of your potential
Visioning: Like Russian Nesting Dolls
With Russian nesting dolls, the outer doll can never be smaller than the inner one.
Similarly, your professional impact can't exceed your inner capacity.
In this Visioning process, learn how expanding your inner vision creates ripple effects across your entire career.
Outing myself
I’m going to out myself: I’m a strategic thinker who hates strategic planning.
Throughout my corporate career, all of that goal setting and strategic planning, important though I knew it was (you know, the old maxim – failing to plan equals planning to fail): it always felt performative. I knew what every project manager knows: no plans survives first contact with reality. By all means spend the gazillion hours making the plan. Knowing that it was all going to change anyway. Because…you know, Murphy’s Law.
So when I became self-employed it was with delight that I threw off all that toxic goal-setting and embraced organic. It was so liberating!
And it worked.
Until a point.
Then I run into the twin sister of toxic goal-setting: will-of-the-wisp (a.k.a shiny object syndrome). I went on all sorts of adventures, and it was all very interesting and enjoyable and delightful and I had so many serendipitous encounters that rigid planning and disciplined execution would have prevented.
But I also went down a few more dead-ends than I care to mention. Of course none of them were truly dead-ends. I learned something every time. But still, a tad fewer dead-ends would have been great too. (For both the bank balance and time management! Shiny object syndrome, while fun, does have its costs.)
Finally, I started some more purposeful Visioning and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. This felt spacious. This felt joyous. This didn’t feel performative. This didn’t put me in a straight-jacket of SMART goals. This felt like the best of both worlds: organic and structured, liberating and focused.
So I’m delighted to offer to you all the process that I now use for myself, and with my clients.
Recording of Live Workshop + Download the guide below đŸ‘‡.
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